Response to an article entitled, “We are in the Middle of a Triple Threat Pandemic. How Do We Know What is Making Us Sick?”

I found this article disturbing. First of all, she says we are wiping our noses with nasty fingers without a second thought and that no one is washing their hands and no one is wearing masks. You cannot simply state that EVERYONE is doing that. Not everyone is doing that.

Second of all, I am surprised how the author states we are in a triple pandemic and we don’t know what is causing sicknesses. That is why there are assays and culturing techniques. They can be tested for – if you do the leg work. That is what Lab Corp. is for and other similar entities. Sure, there is uncertainty. There is uncertainty with all testing. Just because there is uncertainty, it does not mean the assays are unreliable and that we shouldn’t do any tests.

The assays do not need to be rapid in all cases.

“We are mostly guessing based on symptoms”. Please tell me that is not true.

Here is a YouTube video about how to make a clinical diagnosis – hopefully without complete guessing: