An R Shiny app example using deSolve and gganimate – A bouncing ball

Below is an R Shiny app which utilizes the deSolve and gganimate packages for a fun bouncing ball effect.

The physical behavior of bouncing balls, particularly its motion before, during, and after impact against the surface of another body is the subject of the physics of a bouncing ball. The bouncing ball’s behavior is an introduction to mechanics in high school or undergraduate physics courses. Modelling the behavior is complex and of interest to sports engineers. The motion of a ball can be described by projectile motion, which can be affected by gravity, drag, and the Magnus effect, while the impact can be described by the coefficient of restitution. To ensure fair play, sports governing bodies set limits on the ball’s aerodynamic properties and forbid tampering. The Bounciness of balls has been a feature of sports for a very long time.

2 thoughts on “An R Shiny app example using deSolve and gganimate – A bouncing ball”

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