Chapter 15 HW solutions

Alternative methods to numerical analysis within presentation above:

function [ output_args ] = ExampleODE( input_args )
init = zeros(1,3);
theta(1)= 1.8;
theta(2)= 7.5e-4;
theta(3)= 0.72;
theta(4)= 1.1;
theta(5)= 4719.5;
theta(6)= 1913.2;
theta(7)= 0.62;
theta(8)= 0.084;

tspan = linspace(0,24,2401);
[t0_24hr, y0_24hr] = ode23s(@model024hr, tspan, init,[], theta);
xlabel(‘Time (hours)’,’FontSize’,12,’FontWeight’,’bold’)
ylabel(‘# of plasmids’,’FontSize’,12,’FontWeight’,’bold’)
legend({‘Cytoplasm’,’Nuclear Envelope’,’Nucleus internal’},’FontSize’,16,’FontWeight’,’bold’)

function dydt = model024hr(t0_24hr, y, theta)%
Pmedia = 6361716;

k_bd = theta(1);
kcell = theta(2);
kne = theta(3);
kni = theta(4);
A = theta(5);
B = theta(6);
k_phase1 = theta(7);
k_phase2 = theta(8);
Pcyto = y(1);
Pne = y(2);
Pni = y(3);
dydt = zeros(3,1);

dydt(1) = kcell.*Pmedia.*heaviside(-(t0_24hr-2)) + k_bd.*Pni + k_bd.*Pne – kne.*Pcyto – Pcyto*((A*k_phase1*exp(-k_phase1*t0_24hr)+B*k_phase2*exp(-k_phase2*t0_24hr))/(A*exp(-k_phase1*t0_24hr)+B*exp(-k_phase2*t0_24hr)));
dydt(2) = kne.*Pcyto – kni.*Pne – k_bd.*Pne – Pne*((A*k_phase1*exp(-k_phase1*t0_24hr)+B*k_phase2*exp(-k_phase2*t0_24hr))/(A*exp(-k_phase1*t0_24hr)+B*exp(-k_phase2*t0_24hr)));
dydt(3) = kni.*Pne – k_bd.*Pni – Pni*((A*k_phase1*exp(-k_phase1*t0_24hr)+B*k_phase2*exp(-k_phase2*t0_24hr))/(A*exp(-k_phase1*t0_24hr)+B*exp(-k_phase2*t0_24hr)));