To the people referring to “fathers of” or the “founding father of” technological advancements

“Woman teaching geometry”
Illustration at the beginning of a medieval translation of Euclid’s Elements (c. 1310 AD) (Wikipedia)

It is true that in the long history of science, most were men. There are of course a great deal of past women scientists, however. Here is a tribute that was made to 250+ female professors.

In this time period, in my opinion, we need to stop saying such phrases as “the father of” or the “founding father of” (Example 1, Example 2) . The other option would be to start saying the “mother of” or the “founding mother of”. The latter has an odd tone, and that is because of the prevalent culture. It should not have an odd tone. Perhaps we should hunt for the founding mothers of technological advancements and make Wikipedia pages for them that have those phrases so that it doesn’t sound odd to later generations to hear the “mother of” or the “founding mother of” some technological advancement.

In my opinion, this should not also be a concern for the STEM field but in all aspects of life. For example, if you are fortunate enough to hire someone to clean your house, who do you call? The “cleaning lady”? We should call a “cleaning person”.

As a side note, this resource explains why there may be so few women in STEM which is a whole other issue.