Critically ‘Thinking Science’: The R3 Graduate Science Initiative

The inter-departmental R3 Graduate Science Initiative at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health emphasizes the three “R’s” (rigor, responsibility and reproducibility) of good scientific practice. We aim to innovate science education at the graduate level and beyond by bringing more critically-creative thinking, interdisciplinary practice, as well as social responsibility into the training for life and public health scientists.


The biomedical work force should be:

  • Open-minded, broadly thinking and self-directed practitioners, communicators, and educators
  • Skilled in scientific reasoning and methodology across the disciplines
  • Creative in complex problem solving
  • Versed in critical reflection on a wide range of science topics
  • Role models in academia, industry, community outreach, scientific public service, health policy, government- and non-government organizations, science communication, and public heath practice.
  • Outstanding mentors and change agents in their workplaces and communities, dedicated to good scientific practice.