Do I really need to do a post-doc?

You are here asking yourself if you really need to do a post-doc because you have done so much training and feel when is enough, enough.

I feel a post-doc is needed if you want a faculty position because you are not going to want to find yourself throwing your grant applications in the same hat as your doctoral advisor.

However, for post-doc positions in industry, what is going on with that? Why are there post-doc positions in industry? Is it fair to put you on a trial period? Is it fair they can justify why they pay less?

Sadly, I feel industry is taking advantage of the post-doc position. I don’t feel that all places do this, of course. In some cases, you can publish in industry and so if you are wanting to be paid more than the typical post-doc salary and you still want to keep your door open, try getting a position in industry where you can publish.

Why does industry have post-doc positions? Because they can. They can advertise the position and find someone to fill it. Post-doc positions will not go away unless they aren’t allowed to have such positions per the government. Should the government have so much power to enforce that? So many questions.

But then again, is it fair that we had the privilege of gaining such an amazing education when others don’t have enough food to eat?

The problems I raise are first world problems. How lucky we are that we have the privilege of  caring about first world problems.

Best wishes,